Ehtyat Corona- KP Alert Portalsss

KP Corona Alert Portal is a Comprehensive Data management System to track the COVID-19 Pandemic. This Application is deployed in all health facilities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This system is a platform that connects all the concerned branches of the COVID-19 response units including healthcare facilities, diagnostic laboratories, and teams deployed in the field. The portal provides data on the status of the pandemic in the province in real-time. The Track, Trace, and Quarantine (TTQ) initiative of the federal government has also been implemented by the KP Government through this portal which helped in contact tracing. The system of reporting, TTQ, the status of patients in the health facilities throughout the province, and their travel history cumulatively provide the government with an opportunity to formulate and execute policies and strategies for comprehensive control of the pandemic.
  • Real-time reporting
  • Contact Tracing
  • Patient Profiling
  • Clinical Information Management
  • Geo Tagging of Patients
  • Lab Reporting
  • Facility Management
  • Tracking of Travel and Exposure
  • Patient outcome management
  • Integrated with track corona mobile app and public live dashboard
How it Works
  • A patient profile for a suspected COVID-19 case is developed along with their geographical location.
  • The patient is clinically assessed for exhibiting symptoms or otherwise and a sample is sent to the lab for confirmation.
  • The status of the patient is monitored through a severity chart.
  • Travel history of COVID-19 positive patients is acquired and the relevant authorities are informed about the development.
  • The patient outcome is determined as cleared, recovered, or expired and the data is updated on the dashboard in real-time.

Some User Interfaces