Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Open Government Data Portal

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Open Data Portal provides the citizens with an open source for Open Government Data in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

KP’s open data portal endorses: “Transparent, Responsive and Openly engaged governance”.

The Portal aims to facilitate access to and reuse of public sector information. It encourages the cross-border use of reusable data from KP across the world.KP Open data portal is a web-based interface designed to make it easier to find reusable information or data for R&D purposes. This portal contains metadata records of datasets published for reuse, mostly relating to information in the form of raw, numerical data rather than textual documents. In combination with specific search functionalities, KP Open Data Portal facilitates finding datasets of peculiar interest. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Open data portal is an important element of open data initiatives across Pakistan and can be a great lead for Policymakers and Public administration.

  • Comparable and Interoperable
  • Open by Default
  • Timely and Comprehensive Accessible and Usable
  • Monitoring and Tracking of Inquiries.
  • Improved Governance and Citizen Engagement.
  • Inclusive Development and Innovation.
KP Open Government Data Strategy

    To realize the potential of a new era of government-citizen interactions, the objectives of Open Government Data Strategy architects four major streams of effort:

  • Development of a central open data portal to make government data easily and publicly available.
  • Creating a digitally available repository to enhance access to government publications, information, and services.
  • Leading the creation of a new public engagement framework to modernize the way government and citizens communicate effectively.
  • Assess and formulate effective decision-making practices based on the data published, not only across the general public but also the government offices.