KP Good Governance Strategy

PMRU has prepared the first ever KP Good Governance Strategy that has been formally launched by the honorable Chief Minister, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in March 2019. The strategy rests on five pillars of Good Governances e.g. i) Open Government & Transparency; ii) Public Service Delivery; iii) Citizen Participation; iv) Performance & Accountability; and v) Ideas, Innovations & Technology. The strategy is aimed to bring about a positive change in governance at the grass-root level. 205 indicators have been developed under this strategy covering range of topics that benefit public and strengthen government institutions. Under this strategy, an attempt has been made to provide well-structured framework with systematic approach to achieve set of goals and objectives. The strategy will entrench culture of efficient service delivery and facilitate the public sector to create an enabling environment for good governance.


The justification for the existence of government is its fundamental pledge to fulfil the fiduciary role given to it by the people it governs through a social contract. It is through effective governance that every government attempts to redeem this pledge. Governance defines the regulatory framework of a society, assisting its organisation to make and implement decisions, alleviate disparities, and mediate differences. The rights and obligations of the government enshrined in the constitution and its subservient laws and policies are respectively exercised and discharged through government. Governance encompasses, inter-alia, the institutions and practices which set limits for, and provide incentives to, the citizens. It operates at every level of human enterprise in a country and its impacts are, without discrimination, for all segments of the society.
The provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in its previous tenure (2013-2018), emphasized greatly on improvements in governance through legislative vigour. Taking the lead amongst the federating units, it excelled by enacting a number of landmark laws, which upon their enforcement not only benefited the common man, but also enhanced the conduct and productive efficiency of the public sector. Notable among these are the Right to Information (RTI) and Right to Services (RTS) laws.


The strategy will provide a comprehensive, structured, and cohesive framework :

  • Efficiently adopting and implementing contemporary concepts of good governance harmonized with indigenous factors.
  • Sustained identification of creative governance ideas and the institutionalization of a progressive culture of innovations.
  • Strengthening political oversight over executive departments required to deliver in public interest.
  • Creation of governance structures which are flexible and open to suggestions from citizens and at the same time responsive, transparent, and accountable to them.
  • Devising an efficient mechanism for the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of performance across the diverse multiplicity of departments.
  • Fundamentally enhancing the capacity of public servants to address emerging governance challenges, and rewarding public servants who stand apart by delivering.

Good Governance Framework

The Good Governance Strategy has five basic pillars each identifiable with certain areas of intervention. For the successful implementation of this strategy, each area of intervention has been made measurable by a set of Performance Indicators. On the basis of these KPIs the process of periodic review will take place for gauging the progress of district administration and administrative departments against each area of intervention. Moreover, it will be complimented by an implemention plan with specific timeline. This framework will also be supported by communication strategy to update media/public on progress of KP Good Governance Strategy.